Litigation Under the Federal Open Government Laws
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About Editor Harry Hammitt
Lawyer and journalist Harry Hammitt brings to Access Reports more than two decades of experience as a specialist in the field of freedom of information and privacy law. He is former president of the American Society of Access Professionals and is currently a board member of the Virginia Coalition for Open Government, a non-profit citizens' organization trying to improve the state's Freedom of Information Act. He is the author of numerous articles for specialized journals such as Quill and Government Executive and served as "access" columnist for the monthly magazine Government Technology. Hammitt is often quoted in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and other publications as the nation's leading expert on access issues. He was inducted into the FOI Hall of Fame at the
Freedom Forum in Arlington VA in 2001.
What the Experts Say
About Access Reports
"Access Reports is must reading for anyone who litigates under the FOIA and related laws. No other periodical comes even close to covering developments in these areas as thoroughly and informatively as Access Reports."
Patrick Carome
Media attorney
Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering
". . .[T]he best reporting on freedom of information issues. . .I only wish Hammitt were less sparing with his own analysis because he is one of the sharpest commentators on FOIA case law anywhere."
Bob Gellman
Privacy & Information Consultant
Washington, DC
"I find Access Reports to be consistently one of the most timely, concise and accurate publications on government information policy and practice currently available."
Harold Relyea
Board of Editors
Government Information Quarterly
"Access Reports is indispensable for any journalist or author who wants to dig into government files...always important to my day-to-day reporting."
Steve Weinberg
Former Executive Director
Investigative Reporters and Editors